Services at St. Bartholomew's Church
The Anglican and Methodist United Church in Quorn
The former Anglican and Methodist congregations in Quorn have been united since Easter Sunday 1975 as a ‘Local Ecumenical Project’. They worship together in the ancient parish church of St. Bartholomew’s in the spiritual and pastoral care of the full-time clergy.
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
For enquiries about funerals, please contact the Church Wardens:
Keith Croysdale email:
or David Jonczyk 07777633585
or ring the Verger, John Maltby on 01509 415415
For enquiries about baptisms and weddings, please contact
the Voluntary Lay Minister for Families, Dawn Daly on 07498 790141
For general enquiries, please:
or ring 07498 790141