If you have a safeguarding concern please contact our local Safeguarding Co-ordinator, Julie Croysdale email
If you wish to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or to someone outside the church, their contact details are available here: Diocese of Leicester Safeguarding.
Safeguarding Training is essential for key roles in the church and those on the church council. Those who have involvement in church groups are expected to undertake training at a certain level.
The most basic and foundation training is available on line. People in more senior roles must undertake face to face training and refresher training is also conducted face to face.
Typically, Basic safeguarding training is for anyone volunteering in a Church, Cathedral, and fresh expression or on behalf of the Church in the community. It provides a basic knowledge of safeguarding as a foundation in keeping people safe in the church community whether in role or as a member of a Church. Basic safeguarding training is also a pre requisite to foundation safeguarding training or foundation and leadership combined. These courses are for anyone who is working with children, young people or vulnerable adults or in a position of trust and
Foundation training aims to situate safeguarding in the context of the Church and equip participants with knowledge and skills in knowing what, when and how to report concerns. It is required for anyone who has safeguarding responsibilities or has contact in their church role with Children, young people and/ or vulnerable adults. This is a course for lay volunteers and paid staff in roles involving contact with under 18s and/or vulnerable adults. It is also suitable for paid staff members who have only indirect contact with under 18s and/or vulnerable adults. This training is also required for those holding a license, commission, authorisation, permission to officiate from a Bishop – Ordained and Lay. Is this all the training I need?
Those in leadership roles (which include those in licensed or authorised lay ministries) will also need to attend a leadership safeguarding course. Everybody will need to do refresher training every 3 years.
If you are unsure which level of training please ask me or the Diocese directly
How to complete training online Basic Awareness (formerly C0) and Foundation (formerly C1) only:
Click on link to National Safeguarding team training portal:
Click online course Basic Awareness (formerly C0) or Foundation (formerly C1)
Click on create new account
Enter your details
Enter Diocese of Leicester
Enter ‘not part of training institution’ on institution drop down box
Go to Basic Awareness safeguarding Training (formerly C0)
Complete core module
Once completed core module print off certificate
Bring certificate Basic Awareness safeguarding Training (formerly C0) with you to any required further face to face safeguarding training
Inform your Safeguarding Coordinator you have completed the training for their records.
Safeguarding Coordinator: Julie Croysdale (
If you wish to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or to someone outside the church, their contact details are available here: Diocese of Leicester Safeguarding